How it works
Find something that inspires you, or gives your music some soul. We have exclusive songs from great artists and unique multitracks and sounds.
Watch the videoOur songs
Our Songs section have a fast-growing catalog of 100.000+ songs of all genres, from all over the world, and released anytime between 1928-2024. Try finding something no one has used before, or sample a classic.
More songs every week
From obscure B-sides to classic masters: Our catalog has more than 500 labels and publishers delivering songs from all over the world, and it's growing every week. Check our New Arrivals to see what's new this week, or visit our Monthly Digs for some deep cuts.
Our Sounds section is a complete library of royalty-free one-shots and loops, covering all your sampling needs in one place. We don’t have the most Sounds, but the right ones: professional quality, high usability, and thoroughly curated.
Unique material
A large part of our catalog can’t be found on streaming services. This includes exclusive songs from legends such as Isaac Hayes and unique separate multitracks you won’t find anywhere else. We also have exclusive royalty-free sample packs with sounds created by producers behind some of the biggest artists in the world.
Tracklib is the world’s most complete service for samples. 100.000+ songs to sample, with sample clearance included, and sounds to complement that offering. Covering all your sampling needs, in one place.