The Ultimate Guide To Using Acapella Extractors (Incl. 15 Best Free & Paid Tools)The Ultimate Guide To Using Acapella Extractors (Incl. 15 Best Free & Paid Tools)


The Ultimate Guide To Using Acapella Extractors (Incl. 15 Best Free & Paid Tools)

The term 'acapella ' is used to indicate a passage of music without instrumentation; only the vocals remain. The term originates from church music and classical composition but has taken on a different meaning in today's age of modern music production and hip-hop sampling.




December 23, 2024

How acapella extraction works

The term "a cappella" was once used to describe the way a composition should be performed. In hip-hop production, the acapella (or: isolated vocal track or vocal stem) is extracted from a song and then sampled for a beat. In short, the term has shifted from being a style of classical performance to being a sampleable element of a track. Occasionally, the process of finding a song's acapella can be made easier by the availability of multitracks. These are individual downloads of a song’s stems (guitar, drums, vocals, etc.). Many of these acapella multitracks are available in Tracklib’s extensive library.

But what can you do if multitracks are not an option and you want to sample the vocals without the surrounding instrumentation? In this case, you will need to use an acapella extractor tool, otherwise known as a stem separator. These tools allow to isolate the vocals from a song into a standalone vocal track. Or in other words: it filters out and removes all other instruments and sounds, so all that is left is the vocal stem.

Comparing Online Acapella Extractors


Widely used by producers, LALAL.AI is a renowned vocal extraction tool known for its relatively clean final product and its speedy processing abilities. It should be noted that, like many others on this list, LALAL.AI is not solely used for vocal isolation, but also for general stem separation. In other words, you can also extract the other instrumental components of the track. As for the price of the tool, LALAL.AI allows users to split 10 minutes of audio for free before charging a fee. From there, you are offered the option to buy 90 minutes of audio for $15 or 300 minutes for $50. Alternatively, one can use their “High Level” packages which offer 1000 minutes for $100, 3000 minutes for $200, and 5000 minutes for $300. Additionally, LALAL.AI allows audio and video to be processed and exported in MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, AVI, MP4, AAC, MKV, and AIFF.


Splitter is another AI stem splitter. Splitter offers users two stem separation options: a 2-stem model or a 5-stem model. The 2-stem option means the isolation of the vocals and the instrumental. The 5-stem model allows for the isolation of the bass line, the drums, the vocals, the piano, and other sounds. One of Splitter’s advantages is its availability as a website, a browser extension (which allows you to split straight from YouTube), and an app. Splitter’s 5-Stem model is free but there are a variety of expanded capabilities available for a small price.


Moises is another top-of-the-line AI stem separator. With 2-stem (vocal and instrumental), 4-stem, and 5-stem options, Moises is enormously useful and has the unique quality of allowing you to adjust the volume levels of each track once they’ve been separated. Moises allows for uploads and downloads in MP3, M4A, and WAV. It’s one of the more intuitive interfaces and is available as a website and an app.

Acapella Extractor

This is one of the easiest extractors to use. Based on the spleeter source separation library created by Deezer, Acapella Extractor is a useful tool for producers looking for a simple vocal extractor. Users can upload two tracks a day and the site notes that acoustic recordings will often be processed with cleaner results. Heavily distorted or auto-tuned vocals may confuse the process. Acapella Extractor works with MP3 or WAV.

Vocal Remover & Isolation

Vocal Remover & Isolation functions similarly to Moises, showing the separated stems in rows and allowing the user to adjust levels. The process is completely free and takes around 10 seconds for processing.

AI Vocal Remover

Despite being marketed as a vocal remover—perfect for making karaoke tracks—AI Vocal Remover also functions as a vocal isolator. Accepting WAV and MP3, the platform is incredibly simple and completely free.

Melody ML

Melody ML is one of the clearest interfaces on this list. The homepage simply asks you to type your email and upload the track you’d like to split. You have the option of 2-stem or 4-stem separation. From here, the service will email you the results. You can use MP3, WAV, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis.


PhonicMind is arguably one of the more professional stem separators on this list. Producers can opt for the $9.99/month “Basic” membership or go for the pricier $14.99/month “Pro" option. The Basic option ensures the processing of your track in under 10 minutes while the Pro option will process in under one minute. It is a 4-stem extractor, separating the vocals, the drums, the bass, and other inputs.

Voice Separator

This is a straightforward extractor allowing for 2-stem, 4-stem, and 5-stem separation. Helpfully, it also allows for the processing of URLs and the download of WAV, MP3, and FLAC files. Voice Separator is known for its slightly slower processing times. Nonetheless, it’s completely free and easy to use. is another completely free option for producers. Users have to submit the track in MP3, WAV, M4A, OGG, or FLAC. Once the track has been processed and split into vocals and instrumental, will provide a zip file with the included stems.

Tunebat’s Vocal Remover

This is a high-quality, cloud-based, AI vocal remover with a free option and a paid subscription. The free option allows for 2-stem separation of tracks under 4 minutes long. The paid option, at $9.99/month or $71.88/year, allows for 4-stem separation of tracks under 30 minutes long. In addition, the Pro subscription allows you to skip the file processing queue of the free option.

Notta Vocal Remover

Notta Vocal Remover prides itself on its simplicity. It’s completely free and can process MP3, WAV, AAC, AIFF, and M4A files. Once your stem separation is complete, the files will be ready as MP3s.

Vocal Remover by AudioAlter

This is a simple, easy-to-use vocal extractor. Using the OOPS (Out Of Phase Stereo) effect, this free, online software allows you to separate the track into a vocal stem and an instrumental. Unfortunately, this won’t work for mono inputs and tracks where the vocals are not centered in the mix.

Offline Acapella Extractors

iZotope RX 10

iZotope continues to release some of the best audio editing tools for producers. Within the brilliant RX audio editor plugin, there is a terrific Music Rebalance tool, perfect for isolating vocals. Unfortunately, since it’s only one part of a much more extensive package the cost is higher at $399. Nonetheless, the RX 10 is worth a look.


The free-to-use, open-source software Audacity has been a trusted go-to tool for producers since 2000. The user-friendly interface of the audio editor and converter allows for editing, recording, and manipulating audio files to your liking. It takes more skill and fine-tuning than online acapella extractors and stem separators, but the free nature of the tool with cross-platform compatibility (Windows, MacOS and Linux) and extensive features makes Audacity a valuable addition to the producer's toolkit.

Example of isolated acapella in music sampling

How Do I Get an Acapella from Any Song?

Firstly, it’s always worth checking online. Search for the multitracks and stems of your track and see what comes up. If this isn’t available, resort to one of the vocal extractor tools listed above.

How to Clean Acapellas?

Once you have used a vocal extractor and downloaded the acapella, the results may be imperfect. For example, there might be remnants of the instrumental or the vocals might be slightly distorted. Firstly, it might be worth doing some EQing. One might want to cut off some of the high-end or low-end. If certain frequencies may be causing trouble in the mix, don’t be afraid to use the notch filter to lessen the impact. If EQing isn’t cutting it, you might want to use audio editing software like the iZotope’s RX in order to clean up the sound.

isolate vocals for music production acapellas

How Do I Isolate Vocals for Free?

For extractors that are totally free with no free trial periods or a limited number of free minutes, we would recommend Vocal Remover & Isolation,, AI Vocal Remover, or Voice Separator. These are incredibly easy to use and reasonably fast in their processing times. Alternatively, you can use existing multitracks and vocal stems to save the trouble of isolating vocals, or dig into vocal sample packs and royalty-free acapellas.

AI-Powered Vocal Extractors

Many of the above-listed stem separators describe themselves as “AI-powered.” But what does this actually mean? “AI-powered” simply refers to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect and separate the instrumental components of a track. It’s also worth remembering that ultimately all of these stem separators essentially do the same thing. Though we might recommend the professional layout and swift processing of LALAL.AI or Moises.AI, what is right for you will depend on your individual taste and requirements.


Fans of modern hip-hop and EDM will understand the prevalence of vocal samples across the genre. Whether it’s trap, boom bap, techno, or house, beats will often hinge on the quality of their vocal sample. Thus, it’s important for upcoming producers to understand the nature of vocal sampling and the best tools for extracting an acapella from a track.

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