How to Make Money from Music Online (2024 Guide)How to Make Money from Music Online (2024 Guide)


How to Make Money from Music Online (2024 Guide)

How to make money with music is a million-dollar question, pun intended. This overview collects all of Tracklib's expert-written guides on the subject. Essentially, each guide provides a step-by-step approach to get started. Including pro tips, how-to's, and the best sources out there to get you on the right track.




June 5, 2024

What you will learn about in this guide:

  • The secret to selling beats everywhere online
  • How to find your niche
  • How much to charge for beats
  • Selling beats using online marketing strategies
  • The mindset of a music entrepreneur
  • The best websites to sell beats
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What you will learn about in this guide:

  • What are sync placements?
  • Types of sync licenses
  • Sync deals: A 'How To' Guide
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • Video: How music producers can start pursuing sync placements

What you will learn about in this guide:

  • The ethics of ghost production
  • Copyright, infringements & sampling
  • DJ Mag Top 100 quotes on ghost production
  • How to become a ghost producer
  • Top 5 ghost production marketplaces
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What you will learn about in this guide:

  • The definition of beat marketplaces
  • Overview of the online beat market
  • Understanding the beat marketplace: frequently asked questions
  • Payment methods and gateway options for sales
  • Usage rights and licensing agreements for beats
  • How to sell beats with samples

How to clear samples for sync opportunities, ghost production, and beat marketplaces

When you're chasing revenue streams with your music, it's important to ensure all samples are cleared. If not, you might miss out on syncing or placement opportunities.

The video below illustrates how artists including Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Drake, and J. Cole all use Tracklib to make sure their releases are foolproof. Start a free 3-day trial here to give it a shot yourself.

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