Since 2013 Cardiff-based Slowly Rolling Camera have carved a path for themselves as one of the rising stars of the European jazz scene. Their heavy grooves, unleashed hooks and extremely emotional contrasts has become a hallmark of their epic sound.
With four albums (Slowly Rolling Camera, 2014, All Things, 2016, Juniper, 2018, Where the Streets Lead, 2021) and an EP (Into the Shadow, 2015) featuring vocalist Dionne Bennett behind them, in 2017 SRC evolved as a unit, focussing on instrumentals, led by composer / keyboardist Dave Stapleton, drummer Elliot Bennett and producer / sound design artist Deri Roberts.
Deutschland Radio described the ‘way jazz and trip-hop merge in Slowly Rolling Camera’s music is genius’ whilst the Guardian announced the band as a ‘powerful newcomer with Rising Star written all over it. Superb!’.