Schlump Loops 3


Schlump Loops 3


Oh man, Schlump Loops 3 is here! New drums & loops from the Schlump with a very special edition...processed with Heat. Analog Heat! We've taken this new format of drums and obtainable one-shots within loops and made it bigger and better. These loops SCHLAP. Using the loops as-is is ok...the beauty in the Schlump Loops series is finding the uniquely characterized one-shots. These stand out from the pack as they were each catered for a specific sound, tone, and texture. Your favorite chopping program such as Serato Sample will make this process mad easy for you. Cop Schlump Loops 3 and the rest of the series if you already have not. Like always, these are meant to be paired with our Lo-Fi Melodics series of samples! Stay winning, choose MSXII Sound Design.